Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Friday Night Lights: The Best Show on TV that You're Not Watching

So it really ought to come as no surprise to anyone that I would be excited about a show about both football and the lives of teenagers. But despite that, I didn't start this season by tuning in for Friday Night Lights because it was up against Gilmore on Tuesday nights at 8pm. (I have TiVo but only a single-tuner TiVo; I try to make it a habit never to watch TV in real-time any more, so I really can only watch one thing at a time.) Well, one week this fall, NBC moved FNL to the Studio 60 slot on Monday night so my TiVo was free to record and I was free to watch... and I was hooked. The writing is smart; the characters are intriguing; and the plots are believable. The show does a nice job dealing with the game-within-the-show challenge too... several episodes don't feature a football game at all, so it's not always about the amazing last minute touchdown or crushing loss or whatever. It's much more about the characters with football only coming to play when it actually advances the plot. So, I've been keeping up since then by streaming the shows from NBC's website. Starting in January, FNL is thankfully moving to Wednesday nights at 8, and, really, what else would you want to watch in that slot? So if you want to catch up, set your TiVo for the Bravo marathon on December 30 from 9 am to 7 pm. Then the shows will all be sitting there waiting for you, and you won't have to deal with anything akin to my 24 dilemma. What did you say? You don't have a TiVo? Really? Really? You're kidding, right?

1 comment:

The Burger said...

I remember when I used to make that little speech to you, there, missy.