Friday, May 25, 2007

While I'm on the subject...

Since I've been posting about the West Wing a bunch lately, I got to thinking about how it would have been a perfect show to have a spin off (a la Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice). I guess it was never tried because Aaron Sorkin was likely too looped on coke to be able to run two shows at once. [Rob Lowe did try to be a senator, I think, in a short-lived show called Lyon's Den, but it was no good -- and not a real West Wing spin-off anyway. I think it was on a different network, and I know it was on a different night with no tie in -- and different characters, etc., etc.]

Although the moment for a true spin-off is long dead, I have a modest proposal for the network execs at ABC. You see, network big wigs, you have already sort of created a little mini spin-off, what with Rob Lowe finally getting to play a senator and run for president and get good ratings. And you seem to have a relatively talented bunch of writers. So, I propose that you hire one more former West Wing-er to make the package more complete (and the homage more striking). My suggestion: woo Dulé Hill away from USA Network's Psych and bring him on as a young speech writer for Senator McDreamy. And maybe set him up as a solid, non-sleezy love interest for Emily VanCamp's Rebecca. (Emily has spooky incestuous chemistry with Dave Annable, who of course plays her half-brother... we need to nip that one in the bud, although apparently they are dating in real life.) Or you could go the other way with it and bring in Janel Maloney as, let's say, another attorney in Kevin's office (and have her fall for Justin). I don't know. But I think a little West Wing blood does a show good (witness, last night's S60.)

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Perhaps you should now abandon the law and become a TV network exec? This would mean watchable shows for me. And I'm down to one for the summer. "The Shield" ends next week, so I'm stuck with only "Rescue Me" until fall... I need you!