Sunday, February 18, 2007

Acting Stupid in Front of Famous People

If I lived in L.A. and worked at Il Sole like the Burger, I would see famous people every day. But I don't. Instead, I go to law school in Maine and occasionally catch a glimpse of a vaguely famous person, like the local TV news anchors who go to my gym.

But last night at RiRa's in Portland, I saw an actual star of an actual show that I watch: Jim Gaffigan who plays P.J.'s older brother Andy on My Boys. He was there most of the night. I spotted him as he walked past us on his way to the men's room at about 10:30 and did a double-take. Two hours later, he walked by again and SL decided we just had to have our photo taken with him. I would have been happy with just a picture of him walking by, but SL was willing to follow him and ask for a picture. I suppose we were a bit obnoxious, tracking him through the crowded bar, but he politely obliged. The woman he was talking with snapped the picture for us and we quickly retreated, terribly pleased with ourselves.

I guess I have mixed feelings about how fans should deal with celebrity sightings. On the one hand, Jim really should have been able to hang out at RiRa's without being interrupted by silly strangers looking for a photo. On the other hand, Jim makes his living because SL and I (and the rest of the My Boys fans out there) watch his show. We were polite and the encounter was brief. So, I suppose, we did ok. It was fun, in any case! Here's hoping that I run into other (preferably hotter) TV stars in Portland soon... like, um, say, the once-and-future-Mainer Patrick McDreamy Dempsey. Then I could really make a fool of myself. (That last link is just for you, Burger!)

1 comment:

craftosaurus said...

... how did I not realize until *just now* that "SL" and I have the same initials? Holy unobservant, Batman!

Love the picture, by the way! Such a fun night. And ask me some time about the VERY attenuated chain of connections I have to "PD."