Thursday, February 01, 2007

This Just In: Al Sharpton Bathes Every Day!

The New York Times reports today:
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, who announced his candidacy on Wednesday with the hope that he could ride his foreign policy expertise into contention for the Democratic nomination, instead spent the day struggling to explain his description of Senator Barack Obama, the Illinois Democrat running for president, as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Sharpton responded by announcing that he takes a bath every day. (I wonder if he really sits in the bath tub or if he showers!) Biden responded by trying to defend himself on the Daily Show. And Barack comes out smelling like roses...pun Biden clarifies himself by continuing to heap praise upon Barack: “My mother has an expression: Clean as a whistle and sharp as a tack.” Ain't American politics fun?

1 comment:

brushfiremedia said...

God bless Al Sharpton. He may not get my vote, but at least he keeps politics fun!